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Small But Mighty

Words. One of the most powerful tools we have as humans. Words can start wars. Words can start relationships or mend a broken heart. Words can heal a soul or scar a heart forever. With such power why do most of us talk so flippantly. We say we love pizza or love a song?  Do we really?  Would we give our lives for pizza?  I find myself saying ridiculous things but am trying to only “love” living things. I really really enjoy pizza and the right music moves my soul, but I don’t love them.  Love requires action. Love is not based on feelings alone; feelings are too wishy washy. Although we all speak thousands of words every day, do we truly think about what words we are using, and the power they hold? Do we encourage or compliment? Do we judge and make fun of others? Do we use words of truth or just words to make ourselves appear in a better light?  We don’t need a lot of words to make an impact, some of the most powerful statements are only a few words:  I’m sorry. Forgive me. I love you (to a person, not a slice of pizza). WOW!  These are relationship, life altering words. Words can change a person’s life in a positive way or it can powerfully destroy a person’s life and soul in a matter of seconds. Although we are speaking words all day long, are we saying anything?  Or do we just want to hear our own voice?  I believe society has truly forgotten the power of words.  We type them in an email or in a text. Its so easy to be harsh or mean when we are not face to face. Words increase in power when spoken while looking into someone’s eyes. God in His infinite wisdom gave us one mouth and two ears. May we all, yes that definitely includes me, speak less, listen more and be more aware of the power of the words we choose.

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